Noxum at the "Kongress der Deutschen Fachpresse"
The Future with digital Media - Great Chances for Publishers with digitalization
Digital distribution channels for content are changing the communication and information behavior. Under the motto "Paths into the Future - Chances of Digitalization" the "Kongress der Deutschen Fachpresse" offers an opportunity for direct exchange of opinions amongst publishers, journalists and opinion makers from the world of publishing. Noxum presents their solutions for the digitalization of the media landscape.
Würzburg, May 11, 2010 - Noxum GmbH, specialist for Content Management and Editorial Systems, is present with an information stand at the two day congress of the "Deutsche Fachpresse" from 18.-19.05.2010. In the foyer of the "Wiesbadener Kurhaus" Noxum presents their publisher solutions to the management of content and payment processes:
- Adobe InDesign and bi-directional XML-creating-workflows for"Layout before Content" and "XML-first" Editing Concepts
- Noxum Publishing Studio: Content hub for Content Syndication, Translation Management, Multi Channel Publishing and Shop Solutions
- Noxum Payment Connector: Middleware for the connection of online content with various mobile and micropayment providers
Noxum Software is in use e.g. at Stiftung Warentest, REBEAT Digital, publishing house Walter de Gruyter and their imprints.
We particularly welcome that the program announces a speech from the publishing house Walter de Gruyter. Katrin Siems, Director of Business Development, will give a lecture on "Publishing in the digital age specialist publishers reorienting"
Please come and visit us and experience more about an editing system as content hub for the digitalization of the media!