Noxum is among the finalists of the coveted INNOVATION PRIZE IT of the Initiative SMB and its solution is counted among the top innovations in the realm of knowledge management in the German market according to the opinion of the panel.
Noxum is finalist of the INNOVATION PRIZE IT 2017
Noxum was decorated multiple times with the rating BEST OF 2017 and in the category Knowledge Management as finalist 2017. The award in the realm of knowledge management is the logical extension of the previous awards in IT Services, Cloud Computing, Data Management, Content Management, e-Commerce and Mobile: The offer of the software system Noxum Publishing Studio was successfully extended to new use cases such as service and training portal. The award shows how the consistent implementation of innovative solutions with high customer orientation is rewarded.
Wuerzburg, March 22, 2017 – Noxum, specialist for content management and authoring systems, is one of the three finalists of the coveted INNOVATION PRIZE IT 2017 in the category knowledge management. With the award already for the 14th time innovations for SMBs have been awarded. Noxum convinced the 100 member, independent panel of experts.
Noxum Publishing Studio, developed by Noxum, answers the requirements that arise due to the flood of data regarding the administration, editing and use of data and product information. The wish for higher levels of process automation and the evaluation of their know how is growing among the companies. To attain these goals the connection of data and systems in a product landscape becomes ever more important.
Noxum developed its solution with the potential of connecting the product information and the administration and use of the knowledge base. From this noticeable benefits for SMBs occur:
- The content management, authoring and PIM system Noxum Publishing Studio optimizes the capture, the administration and the publication of product information across the entire information life cycle.
- Considerable savings during the creation of product information are made through the combination of product information and content management in one system, due to the process and interface minimization.
Just as in the previous years, Noxum is in 2017 again among the best with further products and solutions with awards in different categories - thereby under IT Service, Data Management and Apps.
Noxum invites to its presentations of the solutions to PIM, Web, Mobile, App and Content Delivery at its booth and to numerous talks and discussions at the CeBIT in Hannover:
March 20 – 24, 2017 in the Digital Marketing Arena, Hall 5, B64.
By the way: Noxum presents under its theme of content delivery the Showcase Global Service Training Portal for Audi.