Noxum GmbH

Headless Product Information Management System (PIM) as Software as a Service  Precise modeling for convincing product portfolios

NovaDB Product Information Management (PIM) is your central platform for efficient product data management and communication. It maximizes the potential of your data, accelerates market entry and improves the customer experience with tailored information. Optimize internal processes and strengthen customer loyalty as your key to sustainable business success.

NovaDB: Product Information Management (PIM) redefined!

The digital landscape is constantly changing, and companies are always looking for more efficient ways to manage their product information. NovaDB is coming to the fore as the ultimate PIM partner for modern businesses.

Seamless product information integration

In a world where data often remains in isolated silos, NovaDB promises a paradigm shift. Through intuitive data capture and advanced integration tools, NovaDB ensures that your product information is always synchronized, updated and ready for market.

In-depth modeling for accurate product portfolios

With NovaDB, organizations can go far beyond simple data management functions. Through customized modeling capabilities, NovaDB gives companies the freedom to structure and present their product information exactly how they envision it.

AI-led product information optimization

In today's digital era, it's not enough to just have information; it also needs to be optimized. With integrated AI tools such as GPT and DeepL, NovaDB enables companies to automatically generate, translate and optimize their product information to ensure the best market presence at all times.

Cost efficiency and agility

NovaDB, as a SaaS solution, eliminates high investment and hardware costs and offers a transparent fee model. Cloud deployment enables rapid customization, allowing companies to remain agile and competitive. Overall, NovaDB's SaaS model offers an economical, flexible and future-proof headless PIM solution.

Future-proof and scalable

In a dynamic business world where products and markets are constantly evolving, NovaDB offers a PIM solution that grows with you. Thanks to its flexible architecture, NovaDB allows companies to easily scale and adapt to changing market requirements.

Conclusion: A new era of PIM with NovaDB headless PIM system

At the intersection of technology and business needs, NovaDB offers a PIM experience that is second to none. For organizations that want to lead in the digital age, NovaDB is the key.

Customers who benefit from NovaDB:

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Future-proof and ready for new challenges

The NovaDB Delivery API: Your enabler for the next e-commerce era

Choosing the right backend is crucial for running a highly scalable website with an embedded store. It should be powerful, efficient and reliable, enable real-time scaling and updates and adapt seamlessly to the dynamic environment of digital business. At NovaDB, we have taken these aspects into account and offer a customized solution with our pioneering Delivery API. Our Delivery API scores with fast performance, scalability and adaptability and helps you transform your online business.

Speed is the key

In our fast-paced world, the slightest delay can cost a potential customer. That's why we've optimized our delivery API to deliver response times in the millisecond range. This way, your customers enjoy a seamless user experience on your website, regardless of the complexity of the underlying processes.

Bearbeitung: Effiziente Verwaltung und Pflege Ihrer Inhalte

Optimized for scalability and availability

Each instance of our Delivery API works autonomously. This means that you are on the safe side even in the event of an unexpected increase in traffic or disruptions in the network. Your website remains active and efficient at all times thanks to the high scalability and availability of our API.

Real-time updates

In today's e-commerce environment, the need for real-time updates is no longer optional, but a critical factor for business success. Our state-of-the-art delivery API is specifically designed to ensure the fast and efficient distribution of millions of pieces of product information. The system can provide up-to-date data on prices, product specifications and blog posts in near real-time.

Support by NovaDB: ETIM, ECLASS, BMEcat and UNSPSC

NovaDB is a product information management system (PIM) designed to optimize and simplify the handling and organization of product information. It is particularly effective in supporting various industry standards and classification systems such as ETIM, ECLASS, BMEcat and UNSPSC.


Standardization and Classification: NovaDB supports ETIM, a standardized classification system used primarily in the construction, heating, air conditioning and electrical industries. It helps with the clear and uniform communication of product information.


Comprehensive product categorization: ECLASS is supported, which enables the systematic categorization of products and services, improving interoperability between different business areas and systems.


Electronic Product Catalog: By supporting BMEcat, NovaDB promotes the exchange of structured product catalogs between manufacturers and buyers, helping to improve e-business processes.


Global Classification: NovaDB also supports UNSPSC, a global, cross-industry classification system suitable for a variety of sectors, including IT, healthcare and education. It enables simplified sourcing and analysis.

NovaDB facilitates the integration, management and exchange of product information through this support by ensuring compliance with these widely used standards and classification systems. This promotes efficiency, accuracy and consistency of product information shared within organizations and with business partners.

Flexible content-branching function

With our delivery API, you can use content branching, which allows you to retrieve different versions of content in parallel. Your team can work on different content versions without affecting the live version. This makes it easy to test new functions or content before they go live.

Compatibility with RESTful and GraphQL

Whether you use RESTful or GraphQL for your API calls, NovaDB has the right solution. Our delivery API supports both technologies, allowing you to get the most out of your backend infrastructure while ensuring your digital offerings are optimized to meet the needs of your users."

Kanban boards for optimized collaboration

Publish better content with workflows

Kanban boards have established themselves as essential tools for efficient teamwork and continuous process improvement. They enable a clear and transparent presentation of the entire course of the project. They not only make it easier to manage individual tasks, but also ensure that sources of error are significantly reduced through the use of role-based workflows and clearly defined deadlines. Whether it's planning or publishing content, with Kanban boards you benefit from increased flexibility and reliable process security.

Consistency and collaboration in one central location

Use Kanban boards to define specific workflow states and roles. This ensures that all team members and process participants are informed about the current status at all times without having to leave the "NovaDB" platform.

Ensure maximum process security

It is crucial to ensure that any errors or unauthorized contributions do not go unnoticed. With Kanban boards, you can set clear role assignments and deadlines so that everyone knows what needs to be done and when it needs to be done.

Create and approve content efficiently

With the ability to define different workflows for different types of content or products, you can involve specialized subject matter experts. They can not only create content, but also evaluate and approve it.

Flexibility and clarity in every situation

The role-based workflows of Kanban Boards enable teams to maintain an overview at all times, no matter how complex or variable the requirements are. This allows you to adapt to any situation and always work efficiently.

The future of PIM is intelligent: NovaDB and AI integrations

The advanced architecture of NovaDB PIM

NovaDB PIM's advanced architecture is designed to enable easy implementation of new features and requirements. This flexibility allows the system to be seamlessly extended with state-of-the-art technologies, such as advanced AI tools. This includes, for example, the integration of GPT for automated content creation, DeepL for high-quality translations and LanguageTool for advanced text checking and correction. So you can be sure that your PIM system is not only up to current requirements, but also those of the future.

Personalization through AI

The integration of GPT in NovaDB PIM represents a milestone for efficiency in e-commerce. This technology accelerates content creation and thus relieves the burden on marketing and product management. The automated generation of personalized content for various customer groups increases both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Personalized content increases the relevance and therefore the attractiveness of the offer. All in all, automation using GPT in NovaDB PIM makes a decisive contribution to optimizing operational processes and effectively achieving strategic goals in e-commerce.

Printed and digital publications

Authoring support: quality and consistency

The quality and consistency of product information plays a crucial role in PIM and e-commerce. The integration of AI technologies, in particular LanguageTool, ensures that not only the marketing content, but also the product descriptions and attributes are available in the highest quality and consistency. This is essential to gain the trust of customers and make the online purchasing process smooth. The LanguageTool automatically checks grammar, style and consistency, which minimizes manual revisions. This integration therefore not only supports content quality, but also helps to increase efficiency.

AI-driven data optimization in e-commerce with NovaDB

The integration of GPT in the NovaDB PIM system offers retailers a revolutionary solution for extracting and managing product information. Especially in e-commerce, companies are often faced with the challenge of extracting product data from differently structured supplier documents and preparing it for sale on online marketplaces. With GPT integration, relevant product data can be automatically identified, extracted and standardized from a variety of unstructured text sources. This automation relieves product managers of time-consuming, manual tasks while improving data quality, making the entire product information management process more efficient and error-resistant.

Classification of your products and services according to ECLASS

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